Technology and Connectivity

This spring, HFSD surveyed its community to better understand the level of connectivity and device ownership. There is some variability in our district affected by socio-economic factors and the rural nature of parts of the district. Based on these variables, our at-home connectivity is in the area of 85% connected. We also know that approximately half of our students have their own devices at home.

HFCSD has implemented a one to one model of one Chromebook per student in grades 1-12 with 3-6  devices per classroom in our UPK and K classrooms. Students in our UPK and K programs that require a device for Special Education services are also eligible to receive a district Chromebook for at-home use.  In school, students have access to high-speed internet throughout the district.  If a family is unable to provide internet access at their residency, we are able to offer 4G Verizon hotspots for home use.  Students and families may contact our Help Desk at or by phone at 518-681-4357 to request a hotspot.  If a family does not have Verizon coverage accessible in their area, we will offer designated locations in the district at each of our buildings and provide available hours for these locations.

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