Message to Families: Supporting Children

Dear Tiger Family,

We are saddened by the events that occurred in Uvalde, Texas, yesterday afternoon and Buffalo earlier this month. We want to share with you some information about how to talk with children about these types of events.

Based on your child’s age:

  • Minimize or eliminate exposure to the media. Repeated viewing of the information can contribute to increased anxiety, fear, and other symptoms.

  • Stay calm yourself. Calm adult responses and reactions can go a long way to helping children cope.

  • The primary need of children, adolescents, and young adults is to feel safe and secure. Let your child know it is normal to be afraid and adults worry too.

  • Take time to listen carefully to their feelings and worries.

  • Watch for significant changes in behavior (i.e. headaches, stomachaches, clinginess, withdrawal, irritability, etc.).

  • Brainstorm ideas for helping them cope with what they are thinking and feeling (talking with you and other trusted adults when they are feeling worried, draw, write, physical exercise, listen to music, etc.). Reassure them their school is a safe place to be.

  • Please reach out to your child’s building principal for questions and accessing resources.

Please keep the families and communities in Uvalde, Texas and Buffalo in your thoughts. Be assured school safety continues to be our highest priority.


Dan Ward
