Message to MS/HS Families

 Dear Families,

Over the past 5 weeks, we have learned a great deal about our approach to instructing students in the age of COVID.  We have done some things very well and are proud of what we have accomplished, but we have also learned that there is room for improvement.

Starting on November 2nd the MS and HS will be switching to a more student-centered style of learning for remote and Virtual Academy students. We understand that some of our students are asking to be more connected to their teachers and the school. We are hopeful that this adjustment will make our students feel like they are more part of the school community, something we all want.

The more student-centered model of learning will require students to follow a normal period-by-period schedule, where they will log onto Google Meets during their regularly scheduled class times, Monday through Thursday.  Teachers will take traditional attendance.  Instructional time will vary depending on the day and instructional model being utilized. However, students will be responsible for completing work and being available for the entire class period or block.  Friday mornings will also include teacher-student contact time.  Teachers may request or require students to meet during this time.

In closing, we want to assure you that we will continue to monitor and adjust our instructional approach throughout the school year as needed.  Please continue to communicate with us if you have questions and concerns.